This project is meant to contain functionality to calculate the results of elections based on ballots.
Implementation is mainly focussed on the local elections in Schleswig-Holstein, which is the northernmost state of Germany.
JavaDoc | Generated Reports |
The project uses Maven and Project Lombok. First, make sure to install Project Lombok into your IDE, then most IDEs should be able to import the Maven project with a glance.
On the shell the sources of this project can be built using mvn clean install
. To execute that command Project Lombok does not need to be installed.
This project’s Command Line Interface (CLI) comes with a built-in help. In your IDE you only need to start the class de.larssh.election.germany.schleswigholstein.local.cli.LocalElectionResultCli
As long as Maven is installed on your machine and you executed mvn install
before, you can also execute the following shell command:
mvn --quiet de.lars-sh:jar-runner-maven-plugin:run -Dartifact=de.lars-sh.election-results:election-results-cli:0.9.0-SNAPSHOT -DmainClass=de.larssh.election.germany.schleswigholstein.local.cli.LocalElectionResultCli